Kundi is looking for a bright and motivated engineer, of any gender or age, with a mind wide open and tendency to constantly feed inner curiosity that motivates investigation and discoveries. We’re looking for someone who’s over with working in places where they offer ping-pong and foosball tables as a compensation for bad work morale.

Even though the company wishes to remain small, we are ready to accept another computer poet amongst us. Our mission is creating tools that help our users win in online businesses (Nightwatch, Ranktrackr).

Social Media Marketing Resources
Social Media Marketing Resources

Our methods at work include a variety of approaches that allow expressing diverse combinations of both brain hemispheres: from machine learning, highly scalable concurrent systems, building server infrastructures, designing data storages and flows, tuning controllers and models in the backend, to scheming and implementing user interfaces with the ease of use in mind in the frontend.

Our main technological stack is Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, Scala, Elixir, Postgres. You should be well acquainted with at least one of these technologies.

We’re offering a full remote position and a work schedule that is truly flexible. You pick your own pay depending on what you think you deserve. We’re able to award you with a reasonable monthly payment. To test our compatibility, we’ll begin with some real-work test tasks.

The ideal candidate should not be afraid to use fire when needed, but should also know how to fight fire in case of uncontrollable flame. We need somebody who knows how to be pragmatic in given circumstances and apply just the right amount of engineering when solving an issue. Strong opinions are preferred, but even bigger empathy is desired.

Send us a cool message. Write some points on why you’d want to join, and what you achieved so far. Generic CVs will be discarded.

Send applications to:

Matic Jurglič, CTO
